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  „London Ladies” by Deona Lindholm,   March 2012
Disclaimer:  Earth: Final Conflict belongs to Tribune Entertainment Co., Lost Script Prod. Inc., Atlantis Films and VOX. Please don't publish this story without permission of the author.
Summary:  During the events of “Meeting in Moonlight”, four young girls in London undergo testing as Songcrafter candidates.
Setting:  Aftermath of Silent Falls meltdown
Characters:  Elizabeth and Catherine Marks, Anna Newkirk, Abigail Kingsfield, An'or, Quo'on



Chapter 2: Elizabeth


Elizabeth heard footsteps approaching her room, which immediately woke her.

It's time to get ready already? Well, I'd best get to it at once. I know how important the Songcrafter testing is to our family, especially to gain status with the Taelons.

In the hallway, there was some conversation between a maid and the butler. The young woman took the opportunity to get out of bed and find the clothes that had been set out for her the night before.

White dress and socks, red shoes, red hairband. I can understand looking our best for the testers, but I'd rather wear darker colors. Oh well, best to get on with it, with little fuss.

By the time that the maid opened the door, she saw that the young mistress had her dress on and was working on the socks.

“Ah, nice to see you up and already getting ready, miss Elizabeth,” she replied, “Not like your sister.”

“I take it that Catherine is still sleeping?”

“Yes, indeed, miss. How about I help you with your hair and makeup today?”

“Thank you, Caroline.”

As soon as her socks and shoes were on, Elizabeth sat in front of her vanity and let the maid tend to her hair and makeup.

Normally I would see to the latter myself, but she is rather adept at things like this on a day like today. Better her than that gutter-born garbage, Jane.

“There! May I say, miss, I'm glad you had me assigned to you, instead of Catherine. Why, the horror stories I could tell you--”

The girl's voice became casual, yet icy. “Could it be that a maid would know my own sister better than I?”

“My apologies, miss. I just wanted you to know that I'm honored to be your maid.”

“Ah, I see. No harm done. I do know how trying Catherine can be,” she replied, voice returning to normal, “But do watch your words more closely. My mother and father are not as lax as I on such things, as you well know.”

“Y-yes, miss Elizabeth. They're downstairs, in the dining hall, speaking of which.”

“Good.” She examined her hair and peered at her face closely. “Excellent work, as always.”

“Thank you, young miss!” Caroline replied with a smile, “I just wish that I could go with you when you become a Songcrafter student.”

The casual, icy tone returned. “Putting the carriage before the horse, aren't you? Besides, I am capable of tending to myself when necessary.”

“Y-yes, that's true.”

“Dismissed,” Elizabeth replied in a voice that had a hint of “Leave, already,” which sent the maid hurrying out.

She quietly walked down a few flights of stairs, and as she did, she heard Jane threatening to throw water on someone, most likely Catherine.

She soon arrived at the dining hall and opened the doors.'

“Good morning, mother, father,” she said as soon as she crossed the threshold.

“Good morning, Elizabeth. You're very prompt this morning,” her mother replied.

“But of course. This is an important day for our family...even if not everyone seems to understand the situation.”

“You always did have a head for the social ladder and politics, my dear,” her father said as he patted her shoulder, “Makes me proud to have you as a Marks, and as my daughter.”

“You flatter me, father. I only put to use everything that I've learned in life,” she replied and took her seat while waiting.

A few minutes later, the doors opened and Jane came in, cheerfully greeting everyone in the room. Elizabeth's tone held a slight hint of arrogance as she replied to the maid's question about her being up before her own sister.

Just because she's a maid in this house doesn't mean that I have to be her friend. What utter nonsense.

A few minutes later, the doors slammed open and Catherine came in, dark scowl on her face. Their father admonished her lack of manners, which caused a tirade that threatened to erupt into something worse.

The only thing that interests my sister is power and prestige. Time that I show her just what is at stake here. With that, Elizabeth coolly pointed out how much of both went with being a Songcrafter. It had worked and defused the situation.

* * *

That stupid Kingsfield girl...she really thinks that we're friends! Elizabeth thought as she and her sister went to Abigail's house, the only reason we even put up with her is because our parents get along with hers. However...she's always quiet, a good thing. We can use her however we like!

Elizabeth was as angry as her sister to find out that the one who had taken Abigail Kingsfield from her home was none other than Anna Newkirk, the one that their father had called, “That Cockney girl”.

How dare she pull this stunt!

Before she could say anything, Catherine had put this, and more, into words. Of course, she and Anna nearly came to blows.

“Sister, we can't let this....brainless idiot cause us to be late. We'll let the Taelons tend to the little dreamer,” Elizabeth cut in with an airy, yet cold tone and looked down on the street urchin.

If she thinks that she can cross the line without consequences, she'll soon see how wrong she is.

Anna agreed, but couldn't resist getting in a last barb, and Elizabeth had to grab Catherine's arm and pull her along before anything else could happen.

* * *

So it is true...that little slum girl is a candidate, Elizabeth found herself thinking as she walked from the domes into the waiting room, Well, if she thinks she can outdo the Marks sisters, she's wrong. We're better than that but of gutter-born garbage anyday.

Catherine had been called, and within a few minutes, she had returned, boasting of how easy the testing had been.

Is that so? I wonder how I would be able to take advantage of this.

Within ten minutes, An'or came back out and called, “Elizabeth Marks.”

She smoothly got up and followed the Taelon, smug expression in place.

My turn. Honestly, I should have gone first, but I won't make a fuss over that, for Catherine's sake.

The two then reached the section of the domes that had the listening stations. An'or gave the explanation as to what to do in this area.

“But of course,” she replied in an airy tone, looking down on the Taelon.

If that had any effect, he didn't show it. “Go to the first station.”

Well, I never! He has a lot of nerve! She thought and put the headset on, then listened carefully.

“It's a fox hunt,” she replied, “The dogs are complaining, but it's the fox I hear the best. He's complaining that his kits will starve without him.”

“Second station.”

She did as she was told, then quickly replied, “That's the ocean, but there's something odd about it. I hear the ocean's language, but there's a different dialect mixed in.” She looked up, astonished. “This was taken during a hurricane!”

“Third station.”

She listened, then said, “It's a fire. This was started a few days ago, by one of the street urchins.”

“Fourth station.”

She put these earphones on and listened. Her answer was immediate. “It's a lion from Africa. He's going after dinner, namely a zebra. Lion hasn't eaten in a couple of days, and the zebra's a young one, running and begging for its life.”

“How did you understand that so quickly?”

“Just before the SI war broke out, Catherine and I spent months in Africa with our parents. Once the bloody war started, though, we had to go back to London.”

“I see. Come with me.”

She followed An'or out to the garden behind the auditorium. That was when she heard a cat.

Not you again. Oh, wait, you're not her. You look like the other haughty brat.

“That would be my sister you're talking about. I can see how she would make a wrong impression on a feline like you. She's more for dogs.”

And you?

“What I am is my business. You'd do good to remember that.”

Are all the people coming here today as nasty as the two of you?

“Nasty? My, aren't you opinionated. Then again, you are a cat. It's to be expected.”

You're just as bad as your sister, in your own way.

“I think, for your sake, I'll ignore that little comment. Now, what am I doing out here?” she aimed the question at An'or.

“That will suffice. Go back into the waiting room.”

Elizabeth looked at the Taelon with a subtly icy expression, then went back inside. Once she entered the waiting room, she saw Catherine get up from her seat.

“Well, sister? How was yours?”

“Just as much like yours, I gather.”

Anna snorted again, then muttered something in a low voice.

“What was that, girl?” Elizabeth asked.

“I said you're both lyin' through those pretty teeth.”

Catherine started to walk towards the raven-haired tomboy, but Elizabeth held her back with a grip on the arm. “What would someone like you know about truth and lies?”

“I know tha' the other candidates tol' me tha' they didn't get the way of testin', nae one bit. A pair of airheads like ye to be callin' it easy? 'Course yer lyin'!”

“You little bit of--”

“Please,” Abigail said, most likely for the first time since being found by the sisters, “It'll look bad for all of us if you fight in here.”

Both Catherine and Elizabeth turned and looked down at her with icy stares.

“Awright,” Anna replied, “Fer yer sake, Ab'gail, an' b'cause I don't want any fightin' tae get me booted b'fore I can even join th' school.”

“That's if someone as lowly as you becomes a student, don't forget,” Elizabeth replied in that airy-but-icy tone, “but if you do, it'll mean that they have no sense or taste in students.”

“Now ye better watch it. 'sult me all ye like, but don't ye dare be sayin' that trash-talk 'bout th' Taelons!”

Before anything else could be said, the door opened again, and An'or stepped out. When he did, the waiting room went deathly silent.

If miss Newkirk and the two of you do become students,” he replied, “You had best put such tempers to better use. The school is competitive, but there are things that will not be tolerated. Do I make myself clear?”

“Yes, An'or,” the three replied.


End of chapter 2


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