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  “Sleep” by Ma'ri   (for the email address see the author's page)
Disclaimer:  All persons mentioned in here are property of the owners of Earth: Final Conflict. Please don't publish this poem without permission of the author.



You're drowning in fear
regret is not enough
for redemption is near
who'll save you, my love?

What you have done
they will not forget
and you cannot run
away from your deathbed

Wherever you go
and whatever you do
your guilt will follow
to finally kill you

So sleep, sleep for a long time
give up and join the void
humming an old nursery rhyme
remembering the times you enjoyed

For life was not nice to you
So many things you've lost
'cause every lie seemed so true
you gained a lot but at what cost

Now you may sleep
till the end of all things
hush, don't weep
when the death angel sings

Can you hear his sweet song?
Now dream of a better life
for life doesn't last long
but maybe the dream will survive



(About Beckett in “Redemption”)

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