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  „There will always be a sunrise” by Katrin   (for the email address see the author's page),   June 2002
Disclaimer: All persons mentioned in this story are property of the owners of Earth: Final Conflict (Tribune Entertainment Co., Lost Script Prod. Inc., Atlantis Films and VOX). Please don't publish this story without permission of the author.
Subject:  Da'an tells Boone something personal.
Setting:  first season
Characters:  Boone, Da'an [Quo'on]




William Boone couldn't help but worry about Da'an. Something was definitely wrong with his companion. It had started some weeks ago when Boone noticed a slight change in the Taelon. Da'an had always liked to interact with humans and had enjoyed to be guest of honor at all kind of events. But now he always seemed to be elsewhere with his thoughts and Boone could tell that he was in a constant sad mood. Da'an had managed to hide it from every other human but he could not fool the one who was closest to him and knew him best: his implant.
Boone had asked Da'an several times if he would be alright and he always got the same answer: Everything would be fine, no need to worry. But Boone had not believed the Taelon's words.

Then, two days ago, Da'an had gone to the mothership without a word and Boone had been worried even more. But this morning Sandoval had called him to come to the embassy and await Da'an's return.

So now he stood in Da'an's audience chamber and waited for the Taelon. Soon he heard a shuttle approaching the embassy and after some time Da'an entered. Boone was shocked about what he saw. Da'an looked so fragile and nearly nothing was left of his graceful movements, he walked slowly as if something was pressing him down. His normally always-moving hands hung at his side and his whole being showed intense sadness.

Boone stepped towards him at once and carefully took an arm to guide the Taelon to his chair.
“Da'an, what's wrong? And don't tell me it's nothing.”
Da'an sighed when he sat down and answered without looking at his implant: “I am merely exhausted and need rest. I will be alright.”
“Shall I cancel your appointments for today?”
“No, that will not be necessary. Just let me rest for some time.”
“Da'an...” Boone tried again but the Taelon waved his hand and turned his energy stream on.


Boone watched Da'an very closely while he talked to some scientists. The Taelon had obviously pulled himself together and was as friendly as ever and seemed to be interested in the discussion. None of his guests noticed that something was wrong, but Boone did. He could see it in Da'an's whole body language, in the way his hands moved and especially in the Taelon's eyes.


In the evening Da'an called Boone to talk about the schedule of the next day.
“There is not much, Da'an. In the morning you are guest of honor at an opening ceremony at the children's hospital. You know, the new building for newborns. And after that... Da'an?”

Boone saw that Da'an had lost his façade at his words. What had he said to upset the Taelon this much?
“Da'an, what is it? Da'an?”
Da'an put his human mask back in place but Boone could very well see the effort it took to do so. Now his face clearly showed pain.
“Da'an, what's wrong? Are you ill, shall I call a healer?”
“No,” Da'an whispered, “but... please cancel that appointment. I can not...”
“I'll clear your whole schedule for tomorrow.”
“No, no... just the ceremony.”
“But Da'an...”
“You are dismissed, Commander.”

Boone was about to protest but Da'an stood up and walked towards the window, ignoring the human. So he went to his office and sat down at his desk to think. What should he do? Something was wrong with Da'an, that was sure, but what?

Suddenly his thoughts were interrupted by an incoming call. To Boone's greatest surprise it was Quo'on.
“Quo'on”, Boone greeted with a nod. “How may I be of service?”
The Taelon seemed to hesitate but then said: “This is a personal call. I want to talk to you about your Companion. He is not... well.”
“I already noticed that. But what's wrong?”
“You noticed? Is his discomfort so obvious to humans? Perhaps it was not a good idea to allow him to go back to his duties if his... indisposition interferes.”
“Oh, I don't think anyone else but me noticed, I have to say he really pulled himself together. But I know him too well, he cannot fool me. So what is it?”

Boone saw Quo'on hesitating again. The Synod Leader didn't answer for some time but finally he said: “That is not for me to tell you.”
The Taelon suddenly blushed a deep blue and when he regained his façade the Commander thought he saw worry in his face.
“Da'an... is crying out his pain through the commonality, but he also draws away from us and does not allow us to help. You are close to him, are you not?”
“Well, we have an understanding, yes.”

Quo'on seemed to be unsure of his next words and lowered his gaze for a moment. But then he made a decision and looked into the human's eyes.
“Commander Boone, I ask you to try and help Da'an.”
“Quo'on, of course I will try to help him. But I already asked him what is wrong and he didn't answer. And if he is in pain wouldn't it be better to call a healer?”
“His pain is psychological. Perhaps it will help if you tell him he has my permission to talk to you.”
With that the Synod Leader closed the data stream.

Boone sat staring at the empty screen for some time, even more worried than before. Quo'on himself was concerned about Da'an and had asked him to try to help! And had he not said Da'an would be crying through the commonality in pain? That seemed to be really serious, more than he had already thought.
Da'an may have dismissed him but he would definitely not go! Not today! He would stay and try to help, as long as it would take.
William Boone stood up and walked back to Da'an's audience chamber. His Taelon friend needed his help and he would do all he could.


Boone found Da'an standing at the virtual glass window and staring out. His façade was completely gone and his whole body showed his intense sadness.
Boone stepped towards him and addressed him in a low voice.
Da'an slowly turned his head and looked at his implant with empty eyes, then he suddenly brought back his façade.
“You don't have to do that for me, Da'an”, Boone said, but the Taelon did so nonetheless.

“Have I not dismissed you, Commander?”
“Yes, but I will not leave you. Perhaps you won't tell me what's wrong, but I will stay.”
“Do I have to make it an order?”
“That would be of no use because your Synod Leader just ordered me to take care of you.”
Da'an gave the human a look from the corner of his eye but said nothing.
“Quo'on also told me to tell you he gives you permission to talk to me.”

At these words Da'an blushed a deep blue and turned his head away.
“Da'an, if you really and truly want me to go, if you really want to be alone, I will leave you.”
Boone wasn't sure if the Taelon would really send him away after that but Da'an said nothing. He just stared out of the window again. So Boone was silent and just stood beside him, looking out as well.


After more than an hour of silence, Boone knew because of his CVI, Da'an suddenly spoke up in a very low voice.
“Yesterday, I...”
He blushed again and his hands started to tremble, something like a sob escaped his mouth.
“I... gave birth.”

Boone took a sharp breath and stared at the Taelon. Da'an had given birth to a child? Something must have gone terribly wrong.
Slowly Boone lifted his hand and laid it on the Taelon's shoulder. He could feel his body shudder.
Da'an looked at his trembling hands and whispered: “I was allowed to hold it for a few seconds. It was so small... even smaller then the others.”

*Oh my god,* Boone thought. *The others? There had been others before? How much pain...*
“Da'an, I am so sorry. Is it... is it... dead?”
“No,” Da'an whispered, “it is in stasis, but it may as well be dead.”

After these words Da'an completely lost his façade and made no attempt to bring it back. His body began to shake so Boone took his other shoulder as well to steady him. When the human looked into the Taelon's eyes he saw there such an intense sorrow, so much pain that he could feel tears forming in his eyes. Acting on instinct he suddenly pulled the fragile alien into his arms and embraced him. To his surprise Da'an's small hands grabbed his shirt, he buried his face in his protector's shoulder and began to sob uncontrollably.

After some time the sobbing slowly stopped and finally Da'an stood quiet in Boone's embrace. Suddenly he whispered: “I can not stand it anymore.”
“How many, Da'an?” Boone asked hesitatingly.
“I am so sorry, Da'an, so sorry. I did not know.”
“They are so small, so helpless. They all called out to me, mentally, begged of me to not leave them, to stay with them, to save them. And then... nothing, silence... I can not bear it, I can not...”
Da'an started to sob again and Boone slightly rocked his body.
“Schhhh, just let it out. I am here, you are not alone.”
The human didn't know what else he could do so he continued to whisper soothing words into the Taelon's ear.

After some time Da'an again calmed down a bit and raised his voice: “There is so much pain and no hope.”
“Don't say that, Da'an,” Boone replied,“ There is always hope.”
“Not if there is no future. Did you know that the last living child was born more than a thousand years ago? We have no children, no future, no hope... nothing to live for.”
“Are your children not in stasis? Doesn't that mean there is still hope, at least a bit?”

When Da'an did not answer Boone carefully pushed him away a bit to look into his eyes.
“Da'an, you can not give up, you must go on, for your children! Just imagine they would find a way to help them and you would not be there.”
“That's highly improbable.”
“But not impossible.”

Da'an was silent again and suddenly looked over Boone's shoulder out the window. When the human followed his gaze he saw the sun almost touching the horizon.
“That's what my species is going through,” Da'an whispered, “the sundown. And soon it will be night and we will all be gone.”
Following a sudden idea Boone took the Taelon by an arm and pulled him out of the room. Da'an never said a word, as if he didn't care where he would be taken. Soon they reached the garden and sat down on a bench.

“Now we will watch the sundown Da'an. And yes, you are right, it will become dark and cool, but soon you will see the stars. Their light may be dim and from far away, but it is there. Sometimes there may be clouds in front of them and you cannot see them, but they are still there. They may be small, but nevertheless they guide your way. And then, just when you think it would never happen, you see the first light of the new day. Because even the longest and darkest night has its end and finally the sun will rise again.”

And so they both sat there and watched the sundown. They stayed in the garden the whole night and talked. When the morning came near they walked to the other side of the embassy to wait for the sunrise.

When they finally went back inside Boone knew that Da'an was feeling better. He was still sad, the pain was still there, but hope was there as well.




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