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  “Our symbol of hope” by Kelara/Anastasia   (for the email address see the author's page
Disclaimer:  All persons mentioned here are property of the owners of Earth: Final Conflict. Please don't publish this story without permission of the author.
Subject:  The past of the Taelons, could it have been like this? An idea after watching “The Fields”




The Taelon looked around and after being sure that nobody had followed him he entered the cave.
His friend sat in a hidden corner, humming a little melody and looking absent-minded to the brown wall.
He saw how weak he was and hoped that it was only caused by the pregnancy.
Now he noticed him and his friend welcomed him with an elegant gesture of his arms and more important with a flashing of his features.
He sat down next to his friend and touched his hand for a mental conversation. It was better not to speak loudly here. They could be heard.
*How are you?*
*Weak and full of pain.*
*Still from the operation?*
*No. They have killed them!? To punish me.*
He could just show his friend his compassion for the death of his mates.
*How is the child?*
*It's crying. They couldn't kill it but it seems to be hurt, suffering pain.*
*I'm glad you could escape again.*
*It had been my mistake, my guilt that they caught me.*
Feeling, just sharing feelings.
*How are the others?*
*Now nearly the half of us has lost their ability to procreate. They have better methods now to stop us getting pregnant. It's burning deeply. But we're still hoping. When you will come back, Da'an, then we will fight. Fight against their suppression and abuse. You know, they depend on it, they need us and when we will stop giving them the substance, they'll be helpless. And that will be our chance.*
Da'an's hand pressed the one of his friend tightly. *Yes, and not only the Kimera will feel our rage but as well their assistants, the Jaridians. That I swear!*
They stared at each other until he had to go back to their enemies, not having told his friend that they had made him barren as well.




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